Extreme Stress
Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed in your day to day life and are not sure what to do to help?
Do you feel like you are running on a hamster wheel and not getting anywhere?

We are living in a busy world in which things are constantly changing and shifting and it often feels hard for many of us to “keep up” with all of our obligations and commitments. Many people report feeling that they are struggling with even just getting through each day and that they feel like they lack time to do everything they want or are obligated to do. The daily constant stressors that bombard us often throw off our body’s overall wellness and sense of balance. We may feel that we struggle to relax, slow down and pause to enjoy life and feel that we need to constantly “do” things. There are several ways that we can begin to work on re-establishing balance and wellness in our lives.
I help people learn how to engage in a variety of practices which aim to shift their brain and body back into a calm and relaxed state of being.
Focus is generally on teaching easy body-based strategies that can incorporate into their own home-based wellness program.